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Blog Hope and kindness in the midst of chaos and hatred
4 hearts making a four-leaf clover. Orange heart at north contains the word responsibility. Purple heart at east says kindness, red at south says passion, turquoise one at west says hope. Next to V sitting in field thinking "kindness costs very little"

Hope and kindness in the midst of chaos and hatred


I wanted to write this because it gives me hope and I hope it will you too.

Over the last few weeks I have encountered a number of the younger generation who I believe have shown qualities that should be applauded. 

Bank Assistant

One was a bank assistant at HSBC in York who helped me extend my eldest's student bank account for 2 years as they have gone part-time. I was tired and overwhelmed as I had spent a long time on the phone to customer services trying to sort this out so I was not in the best of moods when I got to the branch as I didn't want to be there. The assistant explained what needed to be done, got everything sorted by speaking to eldest on the phone and was extremely sensitive about my eldest being non-binary and the name on their bank account being a 'dead name.' The assistant used they/them pronouns throughout and I left with a change of name form and a form to get me added to my eldest's bank account if needed. 

Cafe Employee

Next was a café employee at Carlisle Cathedral café. My Mum, daughter and I had a trip on a steam train to Carlisle on 4th August to celebrate my Mum's birthday. We only had about an hour to spend in Carlisle and Mum had said she would love to see the Cathedral and have a bite to eat before the 4 hours, picturesque journey home. We got to the café at 14:55, got in the queue (as we were on a deadline) and were deciding what to eat when one of the staff started to tidy the food away. I noted on the menu that they stopped serving at 4pm so as it was about a minute to Mum went and asked the server clearing things away if she could get a frittata and salad. The reply was that it was 3pm, and they had stopped serving food to which my Mum replied that we had been in the queue since before 3pm. They either weren't heard or they were ignored at which point the person serving said that they would sort it out and not to worry. 

We got our food and drinks plus 3 tubs of clotted cream to have with our scones that we knew we were going to be served on the train back to York. YES I KNOW, how can anyone serve scones without cream? The Railway Touring Company - that's who!!!

When we went to leave the café to look around the Cathedral, that person who had served us followed me out to apologise for the way my Mum and I had been spoken to / ignored. They said that they would have a word with the other server to rectify the situation. I asked that no-one get in trouble as it had all worked out ok but was really grateful for the apology and acknowledgment. That person knew we were just visiting on the steam train so we weren't local so may well never return to that cafe ever again but still checked that we were ok.

Hospitality Server

On the train we were served by a young person who remembered our drinks order despite serving over 60 people in our carriage. They made sure that Indie (who doesn't drink tea or coffee) got what she wanted and was understanding and patient with my Mum who is deaf. All the people who were on the train were helpful despite a difficult start to the journey with a fire in Leeds affecting staff levels on the train. But this young person was cheerful and helpful the whole long day and lifted the spirits of everyone in our carriage.


When we eventually got home that day, we discovered that the door latch had dropped on the front door when my partner came to pick us up and we were locked out!! Our neighbour's kid got a ladder, hopped over our fence and got in the back door (which should not have been unlocked but was!!!) 

Why am I sharing this?

Well, I want to spread some love and hope. 

Other than the young person on the train who could have been non-binary, all the people mentioned above were young men. Against the backdrop of what is happening in our country at present I believe it is important to salute people who are kind, helpful, take responsibility for their actions (and of those they are responsible for) and are great examples of decent human beings. I think it especially important when those people are Gen-Z who get a lot of shit for being lazy, entitled, etc. But also important because these were young men or non-binary people.

An Act of Kindness costs very little

These encounters have given me hope. In all these scenarios I felt seen, heard and supported.

There are many, many, many decent people out there regardless of age, gender, race, neuro-type and that deserves to be celebrated and remembered.

Although there is a saying "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" which I think sums up what is happening with the riots in the UK at present, I believe we also need to remember that a small act of kindness also goes a long way to make this world a better place.


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